Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Iron Sheik In All His Glory

Blast from the past.
The Iron Sheik, a former WWF wrestler has been brought back to life somewhat after a series of interviews with various Sirius Satellite radio shows including Howard Stern. This guy is radio solid gold. If you listened this morning to the interview and his interaction with Bubba the Love Sponge, this was an instant classic.

Seriously, this stuff is worth watching. It's beautiful...

You cannot make this up. This next one was an interview on the gay and lesbian station on Sirius. He is calling people "fags" on the gay and lesbian channel. This is priceless people, priceless. You gotta hear the reaction when they tell him that they are gay...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

6:43 PM  

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