Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

Funny for a minute or two

You know how some things start off with a great concept and strong potential... but then plummet unexpectedly...

like... this clip for example.

11 Guys At The Playground - Watch more free videos

I just wish someone who could develop the idea had the time and resources to do it properly. It's a pretty good idea that could have been much funnier.

Immovable fat guy? A rare site. Usually the immovable fat guy is part of "I got skillz's" posse. "I got skillz" of course wasn't in the video, because they screwed up. I got skillz is the guy who comes to play who takes 75% of the shots and turns the ball over the rest of the time trying to make something happen. He's the guy that everyone on the court can't stand, but yet walks away as if he is god's gift to ball. Of course he NEVER gets convinced otherwise because when he leaves the court, his only friend, immovable fat guy, is there to tell him how good he is and how bad his team was.

Rule Book guy? I never saw a guy quote the 24 second shot clock in a pickup game. I do however appreciate that it was simply an over-exaggeration purposely set up to make a point and be humorous. I chuckled at the 3 second call. Didn't laugh at the backcourt call, and was ready to click 'x' after the 24 second call.

What about "football player playing basketball"? This guy should have replaced "Mr. Skins". the football guy always plays skins whether his team does or not. Loves to show off the upper body as he barrels to the basket hurting everyone in his way. His excuse??? Always the same - "I'm a football player, not really a basketball player." As if that somehow excuses his lack of athletic ability and excuses the imminent danger he provides to others on the court.



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