I Got Nothing...
So I'm back to sitting here with nothing to write about. I worked my ass of today hitting a bunch of deadlines on different deals I am working on, and am rewarding myself with a good 15 minutes of slacking off. I figured I'd come up with some kind of random thought to write down and expand into a rambling essay of garbage (like I usually do), but nothing seems to be hitting me. Hurricane Katrina is so yesterday's news. Nobody cared about those people then, and we certainly don't give a rat's ass now. Hey, Governor told you to get your dumb ass out of there, you chose not to listen - don't come crying to us now that it's because your black and everyone's racist. Here's some advice for next time... when every member of government leaves, and all the white people start to leave too.........GET THE F*** OUT!
Next idea was Hurricane Rita. Only problem with that is - Hurricane Rita in and of itself is funnier than anything I can come up with. Just watch the news reporters talking about all the people getting hit twice in Louisiana and all the evacuated people having to evacuate the places they evacuated to. Reality TV doesn't get much better or humorous than that. And of course since we know none of those poor souls, their desperate and trying times entertain, and sometimes even amuse us.
Anyway, time's up... I'm full of crap, yet you still read. Whatever.
I'm going to pay someone $800 cash to travel to the small area that you live in and rob your house. In fact, all the extra cash you're making I'm going to take by force. Then I'm going to write a book on how I made all of your extra cash into my own and I'm going to sell it to retarted people who fail out of school, like you. Since you will have no money, I will have to loan you the money to buy my great book. I will then repossess your house when you fail to pay and will kick you out on the street where you will live out your sorry time on this earth.
See that? You went from advertising your stupid website in my space without asking me to homeless. Way to think things through pal...
I think you post just to get spammed. I think you like it.
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