Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Explain this one to me... Why is it that when Chris Rock says something that is absolutely true, but because he says it in the context of a comedy show, and because he is black - people give him a standing ovation as if he just gave a great comeback answer at a Presidential debate? But if the same point would be made by a regular joe, he would be called racist, insensitive or worse?

For example - and I read this one in a liberal-bashing book this week (which I'll get to more on liberals and conservatives in a minute). Chris Rock talks about the civil war between Black people and 'Niggas'. How Black people are responsible, everyday, regular people who work hard, have a family, etc. Then there's the 'Niggas' (and I decided it's ok to use the word here because 1. it's a variation on the spelling of the actual 'N' word, which I will not use, and 2. it is a quote from Chris Rock, and not my own idea), the 'Niggas' are the ones who think it is necessary to brag when they do something that the majority of society views as a completely normal course of action. For example: "I take care of my kids" - Rock points out -"You supposed to take care of your kids! What do you want, a cookie?" Or - "I aint never been to jail." - "You aint supposed to go to jail, Nigga!!!"

When Chris Rock does this routine, and I've seen and heard it a number of times, the audience (including many African-Americans) howls and applauds in agreement. However, the book I was reading points out that comedian Bill Cosby (one of my favorites), a long-time civil-rights activist got up at a dinner and gave a similar speech. Only he was not trying to be funny. He was speaking the truth about inner-city youth and the lack of guidance they get from family and from Black leaders. The place was shocked. The next speaker had to get up and actually apologize for Cosby's remarks as if they were lunacy. This is complete Bull Sh**!

Here's the issue - and a lot of it goes back to political correctness which I have written about numerous times in the past - the liberals (and I hate the use of the term 'liberal' and 'conservative' and I'll explain why) have this idea in their heads that in order to make right all the wrongs that occurred in the past, they have to kind of force the blame onto society for things that may not be society's fault. Liberals are so out of control with this crap, that they will actual stick to their guns even in self-detriment.

When Al Sharpton 'ran for President' and was debating Howard Dean (yeah, he's the other hooooaaahhh guy), Sharpton asked Dean how many Blacks he had in his cabinet back in his home state of Vermont. Now, if Dean had a sense of humor at all, he would have answered, "nah, come on Al, we don't keep them in cabinets anymore, we have little cages, and we feed them 3 times a day." But he doesn't have a sense of humor, so he didn't respond for a while. He kind of just stood there breathing heavily as if someone accused him of being a racist (which Sharpton, the ultimate racist, had in fact just done).

Now, even with the lacking sense of humor, Dean could very easily have responded as follows, "Well, Mr. Sharpton, first of all, how dare you of all people imply any type of racism on anybody! Second of all, to answer your question, we had zero Blacks in our cabinet - you know why? because in Vermont, only one-half of one percent of the population is African-American. Look it up! I did not feel it was necessary to turn down qualified personnel and applicants and go out into the street and find a black man to be on my cabinet just because of the color of his skin. THAT, my fat, balding, ignorant, colored friend, would be singling someone out because of their race - THAT is not the right thing to do."

Instead, Dean stood there quietly and eventually muttered, "well, we had this one Black man on our staff..." - to which Reverend Al responded, "In your cabinet, Mr. Dean, how many?" Dean finally lowered his head and said, "None." He was so set in his ways not to ever say anything that might be construed as politically incorrect, that he even avoided telling the truth to his own detriment and allowed a racist slob like Al Sharpton to step all over him. That is taking liberalism too damn far. It is not necessary to protect past the point of truth and beyond the point of detriment.

Al Sharpton, as far as I'm concerned, is a lunatic and a hypocrite. Here's a guy that has spent his entire life blaming everybody else for his problems and for "his people's" problems. First off - they are not "his people", they are just people, like everyone else. Second of all, how about instead of blaming everyone on the outside, go inside and fix the problems you have there. Then, if because of outside factors that doesn't work, BAM - that's when you join forces with the big putz, Farakhan (who should die a long and painful death) and have yourself a million man march buddy. But until you make somewhat of an effort to fix problems yourself, don't go blaming the rest of the world. Slavery was a terrible thing, but guess what, I didn't own any slaves, nor did my parents, or grandparents. Jews were in slavery too at one point, their leaders didn't blame the rest of the world for internal problems generations later. Their leaders turned inward and helped to fix problems internally. I know you hate the Jews, but take a lesson here pal, they're a smart people. There are very competent and smart Black leaders out there who are more than capable of influencing the communities and people that need influencing. What they don't need is Reverend Al telling them they are victims their whole life. if you believe you are a victim, you have no reason to try and be successful. It's a built-in excuse.

Bill Cosby in his speech at the dinner I mentioned before noted why there are so few inner-city Black youth that grow up and become Doctors. He says it's because when he was younger, when they used to hang out on the corner and talk trash and slang it was only because they were hanging out on the corner. When they went home, everyone spoke English in the house. Nowadays, an inner-city child spends all day talking trash and cursing and talking slang, and then he comes home to his single-parent household with a parent that is too young, and they continue to talk the same way instead of switching to English. And then when they don't graduate high school, they got leaders telling them it's not their fault, it's the system. Not many Doctors out there talking ebonics or with only a high school education.

Quickly back to liberals and conservatives. I'm going to throw another Chris Rock line at you to show you how stupid I think these blanket classifications of people are. Chris Rock says - "I've got some things I'm liberal about, and some things I'm conservative about - Crime, I'm conservative. Prositution - I'm Liberal!"

That about sums it up. Anyone who can classify themselves as a liberal or conservative without first hearing the issue is a complete and utter retard and deserves to have their right to vote taken away. Can you imagine this? You make a decision on an important issue not on your actual feeling about the issue, but based on a classification you previously took upon yourself to fall into a political caste of some kind. GARBAGE!

This is why I hate politics - because it does not promote the "marketplace of ideas" that this country is supposed to stand for and encourage. Rather our very own political system calls for preconceived notions and predetermined points of view. And I'm here to say, THAT is a load of crap.

That is why I don't classify myself one way or the other. I'm with Chris Rock on this one. It turns out this brother is smarter than most of the honkey politicians in Washington. Conservatives would probably hate to hear that he is smarter than them, and liberals would probably hate to hear me call him a "brother." But I did, just to piss em all off. I'm convinced if Chris Rock or George Carlin were somehow in positions of major political influence, this country would run a lot smoother - ok, maybe not - but it would be a much more entertaining place to live.

Note to reader: If you found this posting to be at all offensive, I have one of two things to say to you:
1. Close your eyes for a second and pretend I'm a famous black comedian doing a routine at a comedy club, you'll love it, even if you disagree, OR -
2. Tough Crap!


Blogger Noyam said...


Speaking as a fellow "conservaliberal," let me say that we don't need a new word. I like Moderate or Centrist.

And people like us were the most frustrated and underrepresented in national elections. Take 2004, for example. How does a moderate, thinking man choose between Bush and Kerry? They're both terrible.

Which is why I say again, Guiliany/McCain for President 2008. That's out only hope for normal representation.

12:27 PM  
Blogger EDS said...

What's the matter - Hillary Clinton doesn't do it for you Noyam?

12:31 PM  
Blogger benwah22 said...


3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget Guiliani and McCain, I'm hoping for a Greenberg/Steinmetz Ticket in 2008. What do you guys think?


3:49 PM  

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