Our Democracy is a Joke...
Over the last year or so the only issues I've heard Congress get serious about are Steroids in sports and the BCS system in college football. (Yes, I understand that this is in part because my news source is ESPN News). Do these people have nothing better or more productive to do with their time? This is insane. Soldiers are dying in Iraq, people are dying of cancer from second-hand smoke, gas prices are rising rapidly, there are three syphilitic prostitutes waiting in your office, and many other important societal issues are in need of resolution... and all Congress can think about is who should have played USC last year in the championship game? Come on! Can you make it any more obvious that you are only in search of photo-ops, tickets, money (of course) and publicity?
Politics is a joke. Democracy is a joke. Our own government takes advantage of it. You know what this country needs badly? We need a few years of being ruled by a vicious and violent dictator. We ought to free Sadam Hussein and give him full control of our country for a few years. All it would take is a small dose of that reality to knock our silly asses back into shape. He'd wipe out those annoying feminists faster than underage girls run away from R. Kelly.
It's not just the government either - the crap people in this country spew and get away with is ridiculous. The religious right thinks that because they believe something, everyone has to. Do they ever step back and think about how stupid they sound? These are supposedly some of the most patriotic, democracy-loving people, yet they are trying to influence an entire country with religion. You know who else does that? - The Shah in Iran! and people just love him.
The beauty of democracy is that you get to practice your beliefs openly. You do NOT get to force those beliefs onto others. The 'others' can pick and choose if they want to 'go to hell' as you call it. One of these idiots actually told a small town to expect a natural disaster because they voted against a Referendum he had introduced. Way to win over the constituents asswipe!
The feminists think that they have to force other woman into positions of power within the workplace in order to keep the revolution alive. News flash b**ches, the revolution is over - you won. Some woman make the CHOICE to be stay-at-home-Moms. It is outrageous that they should feel pressure to do otherwise. You fought for the CHOICE, not the right to make the choice for others. Dumb broads... The idea of the feminist movement was to create a situation where a woman could choose to have a career as a man does. This has occurred. The purpose was not to force every woman out of the house. That is not what the original feminists meant by liberation. The house is not a concentration camp that needs liberation.
I've noticed this general decline in our society. Our tolerance level is supposed to be going up as we grow and mature as a country, but the truth is, many of the means implemented to help force along this idea of tolerance have in-fact backfired. People have grown intolerant of freedom of ideas. The marketplace of ideas that is supposed to exist in this country is being shut down by liberals of all people. The conservatives at least speak their minds openly, but instead of just speaking, they are legislating their beliefs. They have turned the concept of Federalism upside down and inside out.
It's a shame that ours is the best system in the world because our system sucks. Freedom is a crazy thing. It allows the wrong people to have a say. It's always going to be the extremists on each side that are the politicians, because the rest of us don't give enough of a damn to get involved. What we need is a sense of moderacy somewhere, and it can never happen in this system. You will never have someone who cares enough about 'nothing' to use it as a political platform.
I'm pretty sure if some wise-ass got up and ran for a political office based on a platform of: "I'm not conservative, I'm not liberal. I'm not right-wing, I'm not left-wing. I don't give a damn if you have an abortion or don't think abortion should be legal. I don't care if you marry a guy or a girl so long as it doesn't cost ME any money" - he or she might actually win.
Whatever - this post sucks, but it was on my mind, so in the interest of being open with my thoughts, there you go...
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