So a couple of questions:
1. Was it take your daughter to work day?
Because if not, then why did this guy even have her in the car with him to go catch the train. I never once ended up in my Dad's car for the ride to the train station, unless I was freaking going to work with him.
If it was indeed 'Take your daughter to work' day, then this guy is not as dumb. Hey, he's not used to having his daughter in the car going to the train and it's not his fault that the femme-nazis started this stupid practice to further women's lib ideals. The whole thing is a bunch of crap anyway.
2. Commuters noticed the 7 and a half month old in the backseat and........ called the fire department? Do you even know the fire department's number? Why would you need a fire department? Was the kid on fire? It's a parked freakin car. You break a window (one that is not near the baby, retard) and take the baby out. This way when Danny Degenerate - who woke up hung-over from a long night of drinking after getting laid off from his job because he brought his daughter to work a day early, forgets that he is smoking a cigarette in bed and falls asleep - calls the fire station, the people at the station won't say to him, "sorry sir, the firefighters all went out to rescue a child from a parked car while dozens of commuters stand around and watch. Good luck with those third degree burns to your genitalia."
Lemme ask you a question:
If you saw some random car with a baby inside, would you want to break the window, stick your hand in, unlock the door, climb into the car, unstrap the crying baby ("Who the HELL IS THIS?!?") and pull him out?
Aside from the whole "breaking a window isn't as easy in real life as in the movies" thing, I wouldn't want to climb into that idiot's car. Who knows what kind of nasty crap might get on you. I would call the HazMat unit.
2 unrelated points:
1. Regarding firemen (or - to not insult EDS - firepersons):
Who were the ad wizards who made it the fire department's job to get cats out of trees? At least getting a baby out of a car is potentially lifesaving. Just imagine how pissed a person would be to have the fireman tell him, "I am sorry we were late. I know your house burned down, but, you should be glad to know that Mrs. Jones' cat is now safely on solid ground."
(Non sequitur: Anybody else ever find it interesting that when a house burns up, it burns down.)
2. Regarding Noyam's comment about breaking car windows in Movies:
One thing that always bothered me - In a car chase, if the car in back shoots out the rear window of the car in front, why does the front windshield not break? Shouldn't the bullet go straight through the back window and shatter the windshield as well? I would appreciate any physics experts who can explain this. Is the rear window so strong that it deflects the bullet into the floor or the ceiling? Is the windshield made out of some kind of super strong glass? If so, why not make the rear window out of this magic glass? (And yes, I know the windshield is reinforced, so that it doesn't shatter very easily, but the bullet should still at least make a hole). Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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