The Famous Ego
Barry, you play baseball! That's it!
You happen to be extremely talented and excel at this profession, but the bottomline is, you play baseball. You didn't discover electricity, bring peace to the Middle East or end world hunger. Ya know - stuff that Ms. America contestants think they can do. You just play baseball!
It has always bothered me that professional athletes and actors have somehow felt that because we watch them on TV and follow their careers in the newspaper, that somehow they are worth more as a human being than the rest of the people on the planet. I mean does Sean Penn really think I give a damn who he thinks does a good job or bad job as President. He has to be out of his mind to think that I would spend half a second of my busy day worrying about his opinion on an important matter. I care many times more about the decision he makes in Mystic River than I do about who he votes for come election day.
(By the way - when you stop traffic in midtown Manhattan in the middle of the day because you have to film a scene, and you take extra time to come outside thinking that everyone wants to see you... it makes us hate you more, not love you.)
Too many of these people think they impress us. They are so misguided. These people don't impress me. Yes, their talent and accomplishments often impress, but that doesn't make them impressive people. When people run into athletes or actors in the street, they are often taken aback and act as if they are in the presence of a person greater than them. Why? Why are we so intimidated? Why are we so excited? So the guy can swing a baseball bat, or dunk a basketball - be impressed at the stadium or in the arena not in the middle of the street.
Many athletes are very similar in this manner. They believe that since they are able to get endorsement deals, that people really look up to them outside their sport. Bonds epitomizes this idea. If your son or daughter wants to play baseball like Barry Bonds...OK. But if your son or daughter wants to BE like Barry Bonds... then you, my friend, have major issues as a parent and as a role model.
Notice I have not even touched on the steroid issue. Here is why: I don't care. What do I care if the guy cheated? If he did, he'll get what's coming. Clearly the negative publicity and expressions of disapproval by the fans over the last season have brought this man nothing but shame. As he continues to break records and grow his legend he simultaneously shrinks his credibility and likeability. He deserves it. He's worked hard at it.
I am still young thankfully, but in my short time in this world so far I have found that those who work hard at being a prick, generally succeed.
The bottomline is if we as a society didn't treat these people like deities, they wouldn't think they were all that. If that was the case, athletes would be more accessible. If they were more accessible, I'd be able to meet Derek Jeter for lunch one day and tell him how freaking amazing I think he is before anyone else realized how cool it is to worship famous people!
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