1. I've been working very hard the last few weeks. A lot of hours. It will likely continue throughout the summer. However, I admit, I have found time each and every day to sit back and thank god that I am not one of the 11,000 poor souls studying for the NY bar exam this summer. I think back to last summer with terror and relief that I am now past that stage in my life. I try to think of one person I know who will be sitting for the bar this year and chuckle to myself over the hell they must be going through in the bar review courses and hours and hours of personal studying. Occassionally, I will even pick up the phone and call one of these people just to hear their suffering first-hand. It's sick really, but makes me feel better.
2. I have started to use the A&D cream that you put on a baby's ass when they have a bad diaper rash. Nothing crazy here. You know how sometimes you play ball in extreme heat, or even spend a day walking around for an extended time in hot sticky weather. Your thighs start to stick together and rub. Then they get all raw and uncomfortable. You've all had this, most of you would be embarrassed to admit it. I'm not. I hate that feeling. It makes it so uncomfortable to walk, that you actually feel less like an idiot waddling like you are constipated in order to avoid touching thighs. Alpha males are reduced to whimpering faygeles in the shower when the hot water hits the reddened areas. Anyway, this happened to me last week and as I left the shower, I noticed the A&D tube that we will often use for my kid when they have a diaper rash. I thought to myself how amazing it is that the second that cream goes on, the kid stops complaining and crying about the diaper rash. So i gave it a shot. Within 10 seconds I felt great and within an hour or so I no longer felt any effects of the redness. It was amazing. This product is clearly not just for babies. Anyway, people laughed at me last night when I was playing ball and I announced that I had found a new use for the A&D cream, so I figured I'd simply explain its use and affect.
3. I like David Ortiz. Not like I like Derek Jeter, but I respect him as a player. I love the fact that he always looks like he's having a great time out there. Obviously, his ability to hit in the clutch at a ridiculous rate makes him easy to respect, but there are plenty of guys throughout history who have done that while being complete a-holes. Ortiz is not one of them.
4. I like a Dixie Chicks song. Just one song. Forget it. I'm joking. I didn't really mean that. They're gay.
that was sonot funny it's amazing
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