Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Things I Don't Appreciate...

The uneducated pizza guy talking in Spanish to the other uneducated pizza guy while I’m standing there, even if they are not talking about me…

Girls who say they will call you on Wednesday to tell you if they can go out on Thursday but never call… (contributed by Chicken Parm)

French people…

People who are nice to me because they want something, but manage to disappear or become a shmuck when it’s time to reciprocate…This is particularly true of law students (and most of the time applies to female law students)…

Guys who feel it’s necessary to wink after they make a joke that may be viewed as teasing or making fun of another… this is not necessary. I obviously got your joke; if I thought you were serious you would not be able to wink because your eyes would be swollen shut…


Non-balding, white males who shave their heads for the look...

People who use annoying phrases and clichés when they don’t apply, like ‘whatnot’, ‘what have you’, ‘we bit off more than we could chew’ and ‘dems da breaks’…


Telemarketers butchering my name…

Calling customer service and having to speak to someone in India, therefore spending 15 minutes on the phone rather than 3…

A guy who comes over to your apartment because your wife is friends with his girlfriend, and he does a horrible job pretending to be a sports fan. These putzes will throw out phrases like, ‘gotta make that!’, ‘be the ball!’ or ‘it’s all about heart!’…

Red Sox Fans…

People who get offended by movies like ‘Animal House’ or ‘Old School’…seriously, lighten up…

Potholes, missing street signs, very sharp-turning high way exits, 2-way streets with room for only 1 car at a time and double parked UPS trucks…

Jews for Jesus…

TV shows like ‘Home Makeover’, ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’, ‘The OC’ and ‘American Idol’ (except for the first couple of episodes where the bad people sing. It makes me laugh when they think they’re really good and their dreams get shattered)…

Rednecks that travel to New York to stand outside ‘The Today Show’ with a ‘Happy Birthday’ Sign for their mother/aunt/sister…

Tobey Maguire playing Spiderman…

Retrospectively – the softy Henry Winkler playing ‘The Fonz’…this is an outrage…

Feel free to add to this list…

Things Eric doesn't appreciate...

My latest pet peeve is people who don’t walk on the right side... People, in America we walk on the right, that's the way traffic flows. So, if you’re on a stairwell, in a hallway, and especially driving an automobile in the USA, get to your right!

Smaller things are people who say absurd and clearly enunciate the first syllable of the word as if the word was UPsurd. I don’t like that.

Weak toothpicks suck as well. They were obviously intended to get junk out of your teeth using some degree of force or strength to do so, yet the damn things snap...well, like twigs.

And finally, for now...and similar to what anonymous said, I can’t stand people who don’t clean up after their dogs when it snows! Do these dumb ass dog owners think that the poop will decompose before the snow melts? Alternatively do they think the laws requiring a pooper-scooper are on the same schedule as alternate side parking regulations...I don’t think they are!People still walk when it has snowed, pick up the poop...you can have a pass on the yellow snow, but if you fail to pick up the poop, yellow snow cone for you!!!

People General R. Blie doesn't appreciate...

People who don't hold the elevator by pretending not to see you. If I choose not to hold the elevator, at least I am up front about it.

Married women who hyphenate their last names. I know its a feminist thing, so people will probably get upset about this. I am fine with people who keep their maiden name (i.e., real feminists). Choose one or the other. What are you trying to do - make half a political statement?

People who make political statements. This group includes: Feminists, Michael Moore, Mel Gibson, The Dixie Chicks, Pedro Martinez and people who hand out flyers on the subway. People who raise their hand with less than two minutes left to class. At least in law school, I have yet to find a comment so worthwhile as to justify overtime.

Similarly, people who feel the need to begin every comment with an anecdote. If your comment needs a backstory, keep it to yourself.

Finally, people who don't wipe off their equipment at the gym. If you think you didn't sweat, you are wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

people who don't say thank you after you hold the door for tthem


4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who don't clean up after their dog

Star Trek

People who correct everyone else's grammar

People who flip flop like John Kerry

Senators who have never lived in the State that they serve for

Ben Affleck

People who hate the Yankees just cause they win and thing winning is related to the size of the payroll


4:54 PM  
Blogger General R. Blie said...

People who don't hold the elevator by pretending not to see you. If I choose not to hold the elevator, at least I am up front about it.

Married women who hyphenate their last names. I know its a feminist thing, so people will probably get upset about this. I am fine with people who keep their maiden name (i.e., real feminists). Choose one or the other. What are you trying to do - make half a political statement?

People who make political statements. This group includes: Feminists, Michael Moore, Mel Gibson, The Dixie Chicks, Pedro Martinez and people who hand out flyers on the subway.

People who raise their hand with less than two minutes left to class. At least in law school, I have yet to find a comment so worthwhile as to justify overtime.

Similarly, people who feel the need to begin every comment with an anecdote. If your comment needs a backstory, keep it to yourself.

Finally, people who don't wipe off their equipment at the gym. If you think you didn't sweat, you are wrong.

One other thing - EDS, you do know me. I think you're bright enough to figure out who I am. When you do, send me an email.

7:22 PM  
Blogger Weary Hag said...

People who say nuke-you-ler instead of nuclear! (like our beloved President) There's only one "u" in the word.

Infants in movie theaters. If you can't get a sitter, wait and rent the thing.

People who think Boston is anywhere near as remotely cool as New York City.

Lesbians who feel they must have a mullet to prove their identity. The mullet was a huge mistake when it was new. Now it's an even bigger mistake.

People who feel obliged to add "moonlit walks on the beach" to their personal ad.

Those same people in the personal ads who say they enjoy "fine dining." So what does that say for the rest of us? We like "shit on a plate?"

Too much other stuff to mention.

Thanks for letting me rant.


7:13 AM  

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