Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Space Program…

This is the biggest waste of time. For thousands of years our civilization has managed just fine on our own screwing up an environment and creating war and poverty. Why in the hell would we want to spread our grossly tainted DNA into outer-space?

Astronauts – can’t these people get real jobs? These are the losers who spent all of elementary school doing weird science projects and sticking firecrackers in frogs’ asses (“to see what would happen”). Then they hit high school and the dream was born – “I want to find out what would happen if I lit a firecracker in a frog’s ass…with no gravity! Finally, college comes along and these degenerates who couldn’t hack it as accounting majors and were too stupid for medical school got together and decided to start the space program. The figured they’ll convince the President that if they can go to space, they will learn things about our planet and our people.

This is the dumbest idea ever. How are you going to learn about our people and our planet, by leaving it and them for a completely different and dissimilar planet? This makes no sense. You want to learn about the Earth and its people? Spend billions of dollars on the same smart people who actually built the space ships, and ask them to study the Earth and its people; not Mars and whether or not it ever had water. Who gives a damn if Mars had water? What are you going to do – send a spaceship with a hose and make it rain in Somalia? I think we should lower taxes, get rid of the space program and put astronauts into mental institutions. There are obviously some serious issues going on with these people. Frankly, they’re antisocial.

The only time the space program becomes interesting is when a space shuttle explodes. The President has to come on TV and make a nice speech and talk about continuing to explore and learn and all the other BS. Growing up I used to be very interested in the space program. I used to cry whenever there was an accident. Then I realized I had already learned the big lesson space has to offer. Every time a space shuttle crashes this lesson is repeated and nobody pays attention. It’s called gravity. The effect of gravity on the space ship at such a high speed, going through so many levels of atmosphere is not a good thing for the space shuttle or those aboard. Let me illustrate this in a simple formula I created:

Space Shuttle + explosions + genetic misfits +gravity –big mattress to land on = DEATH

I don’t know, it just seems simple to me. NASA keeps talking about investigating ways for these accidents not to happen. I have the answer – Do NOT send flying explosives carrying humans and monkeys to a place where all the elements are not known. I think this calls for another formula.

No space shuttles = No dead astronauts

The space program is an irresponsible practice and needs to be stopped. The danger and financial burden far outweigh the benefits.

$$$ + keeping people alive > 3rd grade dirt experiment done 1.2 million miles into space

Despite the entertaining light show every time there is an explosion, it is not worth watching the orphaned children on TV after their mentally-challenged parent gets blown to bits for trying to ride a controlled explosion. I have a kid and I cringe every time I have to go on an airplane, but somehow these morons are ok leaving their families to fly into space…whatever.


Blogger General R. Blie said...

Wow! You were pretty advanced in 3rd grade. In my school, most 3rd grade science fair projects consisted of putting a tooth in soda, making rock candy, or growing some sort of weed-like vine out of a potato.

As a General, I would recommend that, instead of being a lawyer, serve your country by heading up the army's areonautic-amphibian department. The army is in dire need of creating various "smart" weapons to shove up a frog rectum. We need to be prepared if Osama starts hiding up there.

--General R. Blie

5:42 PM  

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