In Defense of Video Games
I was watching 60 minutes last night, and they had a special on how some schmuck in Alabama went into a police station, mowed down three officers and then stole a cop car. The schmuck is blaming playing video games, specifically Grand Theft Auto 3 Vice City. That wooden Indian Ed Bradley, was sitting there, making it sound like GTA3 is the devil here. Some douchebag attorney has brought suit against Take2, the producers of GTA3, Sony, the makers of Ps2, Walmart and GameStop. They called, get this, GTA3 a murder simulator. A training ground for homicidal maniacs. What really struck me was the lawyers statement, that “But For the video games, the murders would never have taken place.”
To which I say, fu-- that sh**. I am all for going after deep pockets and suing people who have done wrong, but sometimes you gotta take a stand and say no mas. And this is a situation where my brethren in the legal world have gone too far. What happened to the 3 officers was tragic. GTA3 and its 2 sequels are very violent and gory. But I fail to see some correlation to how the video game or any video game could cause a murder.
What pisses me off is some jerk trying to put the blame for his actions somewhere else. Look, I have played video games for 2-3 days straight, like this kid did. But I never had a homicidal impulse. But now because some schmuck blames a video game for his killing spree and some lawyer is buying it and suing the video game industry, the people who will suffer is the video game consumer. The gaming industry is probably going to tailor their future games so that they could avoid potential liability.
I have had a long love affair with video games. I got my first Nintendo at 6, a Sega Genesis at 12, a PS1 at 18, and a PS2 at 22. When I broke my ankle, all I did was read, watch TV, and play hours and hours of Grand Theft Auto 3. Video Games, like television and music is pure entertainment. It is interactive entertainment, and in my opinion it is the best stay at home activity for one person. The GTA series is quite possibly the best series of video games ever. To now attack it because of its violent nature and try to claim it caused this guy to kill people is so absurd, that the judge should crumple up the complaint and use it for toilet paper.
What makes someone kill 3 people is not video games or subliminal message in heavy metal music, but a depraved existence. A poor upbringing. Utter Stupidity. My recommendation is to restrict stupid people’s access to everything, from guns, to video games and sterilize them. At the age of 12, give people an IQ test, and if they fail, they get sterilized, and put on a restricted list. Look, this world needs ditch diggers, but we don’t need retards causing problems, and certainly not taking the fun out of me blowing up small cities at 3am.
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