Our Social Wussification…

‘Tremors’ is one of the greatest movies ever. It was two hours of gigantic monster worms chasing and eating people in a desert. The giant worms were blind and moved by sound. The people were dumb (except of course, the three who actually live through the whole movie). They don’t make movies like this anymore, where 90% of the actors die before the end. That makes for a great movie. ‘Desperado’ – great movie – everyone dies. The Matrix started off with great potential – first one – great movie – then they turned it into a love story – garbage.
This wimpy, fall in love, break-up, fall in love again, crack a few jokes stuff doesn’t do it for me. I went and saw ‘Hitch’ a couple of weeks ago. Very entertaining and quite humorous, but this is not a great movie. I think it’s a reflection of where our society is heading. We are becoming wusses. This needs to be changed.
I say we stop naming our kids after boy bands and American Idol stars and start naming them after old-time war heroes and biblical characters. When your name is Tyler, you’re asking to get the snot punched out of you. No more sending bullies to sensitivity training classes or whatever they call it. Let kids learn how to fight back. Instead of turning the bully gay, let some other kid kick him in the jimmy and teach him a lesson.
‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’ – ok, do I even need to address this? This is ridiculous; stop this movement now before every male is metro-sexual. This metro-sexual movement is going to make us the laughingstock of the planet. I can see it now, Iran and Saudi Arabia discussing how to handle America’s threat to attack – “they have men, but they act like women – we should be scared of this?”
People used to come right out and state their views on controversial issues. The KKK guys never needed hoods at rallies. Now they’re afraid that people will know they are racist. Dude – you are a racist, don’t shy away from it - embrace it. Let us see your face and let’s beat the piss out of each other until someone wins. You can’t hide it with that stupid hood. When you live in Arkansas, are unemployed, wear black nail polish, shave your head, have fewer teeth than normal, abuse the ‘N’ word and have a swastika tattoo – the hood is not going to help you hide your opinions.
People send in comments to TV shows and radio stations behind false names because they are afraid how they will be viewed by others if their opinion becomes known. Get over it. People think differently, it’s what keeps us from being boring like North Korea (well, minus the nukes).
And finally, some of you may not like this, but even murderers have gotten to be wusses. They all get caught pretty much right away, and few are interesting. Case in point - Scott Peterson - he is a tool. What happened to Jeffery Dahmer and John Gacy and those entertaining folks who knew how to at least last a while on the market? Tip to future murderers – watch some TV, they have great shows on now that can teach you a thing or two about keeping yourself on the streets a little longer. The closest thing we had to a good killer was the ‘Beltway Sniper’, and even that was weak – shooting people from a trunk of a car – please buddy, grow a pair and meet your victims before killing them.
Bottom-line – we need to toughen up as a society…
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