The Right to Equality is NOT the Right to Define Equality for Others…

Ahh, the power of the cup...
Alright, I think it’s time to bring up an area that provides me with immense entertainment, though I fear someday it will be a source of great annoyance. That’s right - Feminism. Now, let me start off by saying I am not chauvinistic in any way. I believe in the whole “she can do anything he can do” mantra. If a woman wants to work, go ahead. She wants to stay home, that’s cool too. I don’t have to deal with pregnancy and birth, I’ve seen it - I don’t want to deal with it. You choose what you want to do, I’ll do the other. It really doesn’t matter to me. What does bother me are the stark feminists (yeah, you know the type – your Constitutional Law professors for example), who decided that their opinion on the female role in society is the final opinion.
The vast majority of women I know would prefer to be home with their kids and doing errands. This is absolutely NOT an inferior choice, it is simply A choice. Many women choose to work, this is NOT a superior choice, it is merely A choice. Hey, plenty of men choose to be unemployed white trash - this is not an inferior choice, merely A choice. Along come the feminists and decide that any woman not doing exactly what a man is doing and better is somehow enslaved. Bull S#%&!
There’s a reason that a blessing is recited every morning by orthodox Jews that says, “thank you for not making me a woman”. They have a harder life, and it is naturally harder for them to accomplish certain goals. No amount of bitching and whining about equality is going to change this reality. Despite popular feminist belief, this is not the man’s fault. Talk to your creator - He gave you the parts, and I believe that He has a no-return policy.
What if men were to start a movement called “Masculinism”? Masculinism would be dedicated to ensuring that no man ever played second fiddle to a woman. This in effect would hold the same goals as the feminist movement, thus providing a clash between the two. What man wouldn’t sign up for that battle? We could march into war against the Femme-Nazis. We’d wear our protective cups outside our pants as a symbol of defiance. Any corporation that hired a female over a male would incur the wrath of 100 unemployed homosexuals outside their building with signs and speakers. And G-d help any woman who made an advance on a man at work. Forget sexual harassment charges, that would be the least of her worries. The ‘masculinists’ would hold a rally outside her house and call her a slut until she, her family, and everyone else in America believed it.
This is similar to my problem with anti-abortion activists. Get a job. Stop telling people what they can or can’t do based on your religious beliefs. I am not even going to enter into the merits here, because you can’t win either way. Anti-gay marriage activists – likewise, find something better to do with your time. Nobody is forcing YOU to marry a homosexual. Why should someone else’s choice of lifestyle offend you in such a manner that you give up on living any sort of useful, society-enhancing existence in exchange for a miserable life of trying to keep others down. You live in America, where people get to choose their style of living. You do NOT get to choose it for them - that would be Iran.
Back to the feminists, the same applies to you. People get to make a choice. You do not get to choose for them. You can fight for this right to choose, but not to dictate the choice itself. If you decide to continue this crusade of insanity, I will be forced to lead a coalition of the willing against you. I know, I know, “hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn”. But wait till you see a pissed off Dad who just lost his job to a single, under-qualified, dependant lesbian who threatened her way into the job with speeches about equality and women’s liberation…
Special Thanks to Drek for the inspiration on this one...
Well put. I think it's interesting that the movement that was supposed to be about equality named itself after the opposite. Doesn't "feminism" have the same discriminatory tone as "male chavinism"? It should the Equality movement. Don't just defend women. Defend everyone.
Guess I hit the big time...
EDS - I'd like to compliment you on a lucid, well thought out, sophisticated argument, as well as for the high quality discussion that has gone on on this blog in general.
I always found that any minority or oppressed peoples - you know, Women, blacks, gays, etc. - always brought too much attention to themselves by always crying about inequality; Stop reminding the entire world of the fact that society treats you unfairly! Then maybe people won't be so annoyed whenever you DO call attention to the fact that you're inferior. Take the blacks for example - you think the way to gain equality in society is to observe Black History Month???? Come on! We have to spend an entire month remembering anything important ever done by a black guy? No wonder so many people are racist - because blacks won't stop reminding us that they're black! Just act like normal people, then maybe we'll treat you like you are them.
Same goes with women - Chauvanism is a direct result of so many women crying that people are chauvanists. We know you're a woman - you don't have to remind us.
Excellent read! At this moment I cannot think of a single line in your entry that I don't fully agree with. If I come up with anything at a later time, you will hear me roar (ugh).
Seriously though, you've done some homework, you've taken out your balls, set them on the table and have made many a very valid point.
Muchly enjoyed ...
EDS what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
In all seriousness, instead of feminism and wanting equal rights as men, there are doctors that for a small fee will fix your problem and make you a man. Then you don't have to piss people off asking for more rights and a greater role.
nice one eds!
some additional thoughts if i may...
again, if a woman wants to have a full time carreer, so be it, that's great. good for them - you're just not necessarily for me. but don't come crying if your 35, single and want to start having kids NOW. we have to keep in mind who are the keepers of the "biological clock". my clock keeps ticking to the rate of about 250 million per day, and probably will tick for the next 50 or so years (hopefully). i should not be blamed for this reality.
and ps - i would love to clean and cook - if u will shovel the walk, rake the leaves, clean the gutters, unclog the toilet.... kapish?
my motto is "men and women were created DIFFERENTLY. NOT equal." take it as you may
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