Dancing Puppets

The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...

Location: United States

Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Things I Root For…

Any team playing against a team from Boston…

The economic destruction of the company that produced Barney…

Another outbreak of mad cow disease in England…

My kid to become addicted to ESPN instead of PBS…


Tough bodybuilding Aussies to come out of the closet so they can’t call us wimpy Yanks anymore…

Political unrest and civil war in terrorist-run Middle Eastern countries…

Skinny, rookie place-kickers to miss a field goal with the game on the line…

Famous rich people to get addicted to drugs and make fools of themselves…

Gang wars…

People who drive recklessly at a time when people are driving with their kids to get pulled over, or at least to get into an accident with another reckless driver…

The kids from “Barney’s Backyard Gang” to become drug addicts and alcoholics in their later teenage years…

Tough guys and bullies to get a hernia; this way they can see what having big balls is really like…

People who let their dogs crap without cleaning it up to get crapped on by a bird as I am walking past, so I can laugh at them…

Sharks (especially when they are playing against the surfers; hey - gotta root for the home team)…

Feel free to add to the list...


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