Dancing Puppets
The purpose of this blog is to create a forum of meaningless and irrelevant rants for people with nothing better to do at that moment other than provide entertainment to others...
About Me
- Name: EDS
- Location: United States
Why Dancing Puppets? It seems customary to begin your blog with an explanation as to why you chose the name you did. In this case - "Dancing Puppets" - there is a simple reason. As mentioned above in the description of this blog, the purpose is to provide a forum for nonsensical and senseless rantings or perhaps the occassional profound and logical argument. However, this is not to promote the marketplace of ideas, or the exercise of free speech. No, no, no... Rather this blog exists simply to provide a continuing source of entertainment to its readers, and more importantly, to me. As the great Stewie likes to say... "Dance Puppets, Dance!"
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wrong Ball, Coach!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Skip Prosser, 56

Rather than pretend I knew this guy and rather than trying to write something nice about a guy I have only watched on TV and have no personal knowledge of, here is Andy Katz of ESPN with his thoughts after this tragic death.
This is some bull sh**

Society has certainly changed for the better in many ways over the last bunch of decades. In terms of race, we have certainly made strides and are a completely different nation than we were in the middle of the 20th century.
However, when you go to visit the United States Mint (that is where they print money for those of you from Idaho), there is a sign that kind of sums up a lot of different things in one simple sentence. When you walk through (and I havent been there probably in 15 years, but I remember it clearly) above the money printing stations and peer down through the very thick and likely bulletproof glass, there is a sign that sits next to where the money prints out that simply says - "you are so close, yet so far away..."
So are we...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
People Got Gored
Trvia Question:
Who of this group is most likely to contemplate suicide?
a. The guy bleeding out his ass
b. The EMT who has to apply pressure to this guy's bleeding ass
c. The guy bleeding out his ass's girlfriend who is probably watching on TV thinking to herself "where did I go wrong"?
d. The bull who will now spend the rest of his day with a piece of man-ass dangling in his face from his horns

Here is the article.
Here are some wonderful excerpts:
"The pack of six 1,300-pound bulls and six steers — meant to keep the bulls running in a single pack — disintegrated shortly after the animals set off on the dash through the cobblestone streets of Pamplona in the sixth of eight planned runs."
- No... No way... you mean a pack of wild animals wasn't obedient while being taunted by drunken and retarded humans? I'm shocked.
Listen - this is no different than that flamer in Vegas who got mauled by his tiger. Tiger had enough. You can train it all you want, but it's still a freakin tiger. You poke it in the ass enough times it's gonna get pissed off. This is not a cat that might scratch you or something. It's a tiger... it will freakin eat you.
"Several runners were trampled and seven runners were injured by bulls' horns. One 48-year-old man from Pamplona was gored in the chest and was reported to be in very serious condition. A 23-year-old Mexican was gored in the stomach and was also reported as very serious.
The other runners who were gored were from Poland, Norway, Spain and the United States, with ages ranging from 23 to 50, officials said. They were all reported to be in serious condition."
- Just good to know we aren't the only morons. Thankfully there's always the Mexicans.
"The run lasted 6 minutes, 9 seconds, compared with the normal length of about 2 minutes, because the bulls separated — the most dangerous thing that can happen at Pamplona."
- Correction: the most dangerous thing that can happen at Pamplona is to let six 1,300 pound bulls run loose in a crowded street.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Love stuff like this

Friday, July 06, 2007
Telling it like it is
Adam Corolla Hangs Up On Ann Coulter - Watch more free videos
Watch out for lesbian gangs!
Perhaps I should be careful after some of my past posts.
Lesbian Gangs - Dykes Taking Over - Violence Again - Watch more free videos
So, how much practice time does this take up?
Short white dude dunks off friends back - Watch more free videos
Damn do I love kids' sports...
Pop Warner Parents Brawl - Watch more free videos
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Two Items This Morning
A 72 year old man beat the ever-loving-sh-- out of a mugger who attempted to steal his wallet.
You ever have this kind of day? You know, you go through your usual morning routine before heading off to your job as a small-time pick-pocketer. Have your coffe, maybe a bowl of lucky charms and then out to the convenience store to target helpless senior citizens. But today is just different. For whatever reason, and you can't place it, but it feels different. Like maybe today you are going to get that rare really rich senior citizen who does his own shopping, and is cheap enough to go to the convenience store. You figure, hey, he is rich, he will part easily with whatever is in his pocket, and chances are it could be a lot.
You get to the store and there he is. He has the look. Confident, smart, but still old. This one has to be over 70 easily. You figure he won't even notice as you slide your hand into his pocket. But all of a sudden things go drastically wrong. He grabs your hand while it's in his pocket and before you even realize what is happening he drops a good 6 punches down on your face. Before you even have a chance to react he's landed another dozen blows to the back of your head.
That's right - you just picked out a 72 year old former marine and former Golden Gloves boxer. What a day.
For video of the vicious beating the mugger took, click here.
2. The "Bat Mobile"
So I am on my drive to work today and notice this car in front of me:

My first thought is," wow, what a loser."
Then I drove up alongside the car and realized there were two black guys in the front.
My second thought was, "The Bat Mobile... cool!"
Is that weird?